Pictures Of Parasites In Human Stool

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This page contains actual pictures of parasites excreted by our family of four. Some were excreted by kids, some by adults. Some came out with enemas alone, others required medications.
We have excreted about 50 worms and about 1000 flukes. This approximate ‘count' is from the parasites we could visually see in the stool, urine, or coughed up from the lungs. The stool pictures are from both enemas and parasite medications. The urine and lung parasite excretions only happened after medications.
The pictures on this page are our most photogenic parasites – the pictures where you really get a good sense of what they look like. More information about how we got these creatures out can be found in the Parasites in Humans section.
For those who like to skip around, there are worm and fluke pictures. Unfortunately protozoan parasites cannot be seen in the stool.


We were able to get several big, large worms out with enemas. The 4-year-old put out a baseball size tapeworm. Unfortunately the pictures of this white worm in a white toilet aren't very good. I wasn't yet at the point of fishing worms out of the toilet. So, unfortunately I don't have any tapeworm pictures.
Most of our large, whole worms we got out with enemas.

Giardia is arguably the most common parasite infection of humans worldwide, and the second most common in the United States after pin-worm.8, 9 Between 1992 and 1997, the Centers for Disease. During our 7-day program, people often pass worms while doing an enema.This is because our program kills parasites naturally in a matter of days! Click here to see parasites pictures that were taken by OM Detox clients. (Warning: graphic images, sometimes containing feces)Our program mimics the mechanism of action of an anti-parasite pill your doctor would give you.

That's right – we made excreting worms fun and normal by having a family contest! Often the 4-year-old could tell us verbally before a worm came out…
After starting worm medications, we saw lots of worm pieces too.



Cleansing Liver Flukes was one of the best things I have ever done for my health. Welcome more energy, better vision, better moods, warmer extremeties, no more night drooling, no more teeth, no more nail biting! Many of the parasite symptoms our family experienced we had no idea were due to parasites.

Photos of parasites in human stool

Unfortunately I never, ever saw a liver fluke until starting the prescription medication Praziquantel. I spent 5 years trying every herbal, homeopathic and holistic treatment I could find. Flukes are one beast where even with long, large doses of praziquantel they can be hard to kill.

Liver flukes are yellow or cream in color. They are about the size of a kernel of corn. The consistency of liver flukes is like jello. How do I know? I fished them out onto a paper plate with my plastic spoon. We have never excreted any live flukes, only dead ones.

I have personally excreted about a thousand flukes. Yes, that many! I'm guessing I've had them for a long time.

More information about how we got these creatures out can be found in the Parasites in Humans section.

Was this information useful? If so, please consider donating to keep this site alive. (This site does not have any ads or monetized links.)

Last Updated: Mar 12, 2021 @ 8:22 pm

Filed in Feature on October 7, 2015 with 1 comment

Worms in human feces is a sign of intestinal worn infestation. Americans and Europeans are most likely to suffer from pinworms in human feces while nearly 50 people of the remaining population experience infestation by worms like roundworms, hookworms, and whipworms, etc. The infestation typically occurs during childhood. In third-world countries, worms in human feces often occurs due to improper sanitation facilities and deficiency of clean drinking water.


Worms in human feces may be marked by constipation, anemia, immune system malfunction, and nervousness etc. A worm infestation may be accompanied by the below listed signs and symptoms:

  • Fatigue
  • Itchiness
  • Bloody cough
  • Excessive coughing
  • Nausea, diarrhea, and/or vomiting
  • Breathlessness
  • Bloody stools
  • Stomach pain caused due to excess gas
  • Bloating of the abdomen/stomach
  • Pain and spams of the muscles
  • Pain or other problems when passing urine

Additional, though uncommon, symptoms accompanying worms in human feces are:

  • Skin rash
  • Eating disorders like anorexia
  • Inflammation
  • Headache
  • Vaginal swelling or inflammation
  • Headache
  • Grinding teeth/bruxism or perspiration when sleeping
  • Fever
  • Pain in joints
  • Large bowel inflammation or colitis
  • Jaundice
  • Mental issues like memory loss, etc.
  • Rectal prolapse

Types of worms in human feces

Some of the common intestinal parasites that get eliminated from the body as worms in human feces are listed below:

  • Pinworms: Pinworms are prevalent in almost all regions with 4 seasons. Contact with infected species causes the spread of pinworms. Most children under the age of 12 years are infected by pinworms. After entry into the body, the parasite lives in the large intestine. The female pinworm travels from the large bowel at night when the child is sleeping and comes to the anus where it lays its eggs. These eggs cause extreme itchiness; the child scratches it thereby infecting the nails and fingers with the eggs. The eggs then spread from the fingers to food, towels, etc.
  • Schistosomes worms: These worms first infect snails which then release the worm larvae into the water. Such eggs enter human skin and blood and become adult schistosomes worms. Eggs laid by the adult worms transfer to the rest of the body via the bloodstream, thereby causing a variety of adverse symptoms such as worms in human feces, liver enlargement or scarring, inflammation, and problems of the lungs, bladder, or bowels. The worms are most prevalent in Africa.
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Pictures Of Parasites In Human Stool

  • Roundworms: It is the most widespread type of intestinal worm infestation and affects nearly 1.5 billion people around the world, especially residents of tropical and subtropical regions. Roundworms spread via ingestion of contaminated food. Roundworm eggs hatch into larvae in the bowels and then spread via the lymphatic system and bloodstream to the lungs, thereby causing breathlessness, fever, and wheezing, etc. Severe cases of roundworm infestation can result in small intestine obstructions and fatalities. Most patients who die due to roundworm triggered ascariasis are children.
  • Tapeworms: Tapeworms can be as large as 20 feet long. They have suckers and hooks which they use to latch onto the bowel walls. The parasite may spread via intake of undercooked or raw pork, sausages, and/or tenderloin; or its eggs may enter the stomach via intake of contaminated water. Eggs then hatch into larvae which are then set free from their protective covering by the action of stomach acid. The freed larvae remain unaffected by stomach acid, grow into adult tapeworms, and migrate to the blood and the muscles. Tapeworm infestation can cause diarrhea, worms in human feces, fever, vomiting, abdominal pain, etc. If the worms travel to the eyes, then it can cause blurred vision and headaches; presence of tapeworms in the head can result in life-threatening swelling of the brain.
Pictures Of Parasites In Human Stool

Cleansing Liver Flukes was one of the best things I have ever done for my health. Welcome more energy, better vision, better moods, warmer extremeties, no more night drooling, no more teeth, no more nail biting! Many of the parasite symptoms our family experienced we had no idea were due to parasites.

Unfortunately I never, ever saw a liver fluke until starting the prescription medication Praziquantel. I spent 5 years trying every herbal, homeopathic and holistic treatment I could find. Flukes are one beast where even with long, large doses of praziquantel they can be hard to kill.

Liver flukes are yellow or cream in color. They are about the size of a kernel of corn. The consistency of liver flukes is like jello. How do I know? I fished them out onto a paper plate with my plastic spoon. We have never excreted any live flukes, only dead ones.

I have personally excreted about a thousand flukes. Yes, that many! I'm guessing I've had them for a long time.

More information about how we got these creatures out can be found in the Parasites in Humans section.

Was this information useful? If so, please consider donating to keep this site alive. (This site does not have any ads or monetized links.)

Last Updated: Mar 12, 2021 @ 8:22 pm

Filed in Feature on October 7, 2015 with 1 comment

Worms in human feces is a sign of intestinal worn infestation. Americans and Europeans are most likely to suffer from pinworms in human feces while nearly 50 people of the remaining population experience infestation by worms like roundworms, hookworms, and whipworms, etc. The infestation typically occurs during childhood. In third-world countries, worms in human feces often occurs due to improper sanitation facilities and deficiency of clean drinking water.


Worms in human feces may be marked by constipation, anemia, immune system malfunction, and nervousness etc. A worm infestation may be accompanied by the below listed signs and symptoms:

  • Fatigue
  • Itchiness
  • Bloody cough
  • Excessive coughing
  • Nausea, diarrhea, and/or vomiting
  • Breathlessness
  • Bloody stools
  • Stomach pain caused due to excess gas
  • Bloating of the abdomen/stomach
  • Pain and spams of the muscles
  • Pain or other problems when passing urine

Additional, though uncommon, symptoms accompanying worms in human feces are:

  • Skin rash
  • Eating disorders like anorexia
  • Inflammation
  • Headache
  • Vaginal swelling or inflammation
  • Headache
  • Grinding teeth/bruxism or perspiration when sleeping
  • Fever
  • Pain in joints
  • Large bowel inflammation or colitis
  • Jaundice
  • Mental issues like memory loss, etc.
  • Rectal prolapse

Types of worms in human feces

Some of the common intestinal parasites that get eliminated from the body as worms in human feces are listed below:

  • Pinworms: Pinworms are prevalent in almost all regions with 4 seasons. Contact with infected species causes the spread of pinworms. Most children under the age of 12 years are infected by pinworms. After entry into the body, the parasite lives in the large intestine. The female pinworm travels from the large bowel at night when the child is sleeping and comes to the anus where it lays its eggs. These eggs cause extreme itchiness; the child scratches it thereby infecting the nails and fingers with the eggs. The eggs then spread from the fingers to food, towels, etc.
  • Schistosomes worms: These worms first infect snails which then release the worm larvae into the water. Such eggs enter human skin and blood and become adult schistosomes worms. Eggs laid by the adult worms transfer to the rest of the body via the bloodstream, thereby causing a variety of adverse symptoms such as worms in human feces, liver enlargement or scarring, inflammation, and problems of the lungs, bladder, or bowels. The worms are most prevalent in Africa.
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Pictures Of Parasites In Human Stool

  • Roundworms: It is the most widespread type of intestinal worm infestation and affects nearly 1.5 billion people around the world, especially residents of tropical and subtropical regions. Roundworms spread via ingestion of contaminated food. Roundworm eggs hatch into larvae in the bowels and then spread via the lymphatic system and bloodstream to the lungs, thereby causing breathlessness, fever, and wheezing, etc. Severe cases of roundworm infestation can result in small intestine obstructions and fatalities. Most patients who die due to roundworm triggered ascariasis are children.
  • Tapeworms: Tapeworms can be as large as 20 feet long. They have suckers and hooks which they use to latch onto the bowel walls. The parasite may spread via intake of undercooked or raw pork, sausages, and/or tenderloin; or its eggs may enter the stomach via intake of contaminated water. Eggs then hatch into larvae which are then set free from their protective covering by the action of stomach acid. The freed larvae remain unaffected by stomach acid, grow into adult tapeworms, and migrate to the blood and the muscles. Tapeworm infestation can cause diarrhea, worms in human feces, fever, vomiting, abdominal pain, etc. If the worms travel to the eyes, then it can cause blurred vision and headaches; presence of tapeworms in the head can result in life-threatening swelling of the brain.
  • Whipworms: Adult whipworms are nearly 2 inches long and look like a bull-whip; hence the name. They are most prevalent in children living in the subtropical and tropical regions of the world. Whipworm infestation of the large intestine may cause symptoms like weight loss, serious diarrhea, rectal prolapse, anemia, and worms in human feces, etc.
  • Hookworms: They belong to the same class or worms as roundworms. Humans can get infected by hookworms when working in or sleeping or laying on soil infected by the parasite larvae. The larvae enter the body via sweat gland openings, move across blood, skin, and lungs, and come to the throat from where they get swallowed and transferred to the small intestine, their eventual home. Hookworms such blood from the intestinal walls, thereby causing anemia, and other symptoms like pain in abdomen and worms in human feces, etc.
  • Other kinds of intestinal worms: Some other uncommon types of worms that affect humans and cause worms in human feces include giardiasis causing giardia intestinalis; cryptosporidiosis causing cryptosporidium protozoan; nematomorpha worms or Gordian worms; acanthocephala or thorny-headed worms; eucestoda; turbellaria; and flukes or t


Treatment of worms in human feces is dependent on diagnosis of the type of worm affecting the patient.

Pictures Of Parasites In Human Stool

Doctors may then recommend a colon cleanse, along with medications such as vermicides or anthelmintics. These medications work by stunning or killing the parasites.

What Does A Parasite Look Like In Stool

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